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Writer: charlottecharlotte

With the last quarter of the year now in full swing, I thought I would sit down and think about my goals for the rest of the year and it seems like a good chance to start getting things done.

Break out of my comfort zone

This year has seen a lot of change for me and along with that I've gained a huge amount of anxiety around change.

I'm trying to learn to love myself and accept my flaws and I think, for me, a huge part of achieving that is allowing myself to step out of my comfort zone.

It's ok to try things and say no I don't like that but what also comes with trying new things is learning of a bunch new things that you love!

Create a positive outlook

Recently I have found myself getting down about things a lot more than I should. I want to concentrate on finding the positive in every situation, no matter how hard that may seem.

I definitely think its unrealistic to expect myself to be positive ALL the time, but I do think it's important to work on it.

Continue to find time for blogging

Blogging is definitely something new for me but I want to continue it. However, I struggle to find time to fit everything in with working full time, studying part time and trying to magic out of thin air to write a blog posts.

Time management is key and the most important thing within that is taking time out to do things for myself, and right now blogging fits that bill. I want to continue to make the time to blog and not force myself to write a post because I haven't posted for a week but because I am genuinely passionate about what I'm writing.

I'm excited to see what the rest of 2018 bring, who knows what will happen. I'm excited to work on my blog and personal goals. I'd love to know if any of you have any goals for the remainder of 2018 - no matter how big or small!



Hi, I'm Charlotte

19. Aspiring Travel, Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger

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