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Writer: charlottecharlotte

One of my favourite things to read on blogs are random question tags, because let's be honest we're all really nosey. So since I am new to blogging I thought it would be fun to do the get to know me tag, so here's 20 questions about me which will hopefully tell you a bit more about myself.

1. Full Name

Charlotte Nicole Louise McClair

2. Zodiac Sign

Aquarius, yes I know my birthday is ages - 15th February please don't remind me

3. 3 Fears

Drowning, Cats & Heights

4. Something I love


5. Last Song I listened to

Probably some crappy generic radio song on the way to work this morning, Ariana Grande seems to be the radio favourite at the moment, she's played at least 4 times on the 30 minute journey EVERY single day!

6. Turn Ons

Honesty, good manners and humour.

7. Your Height

5 ft, yes I'm tiny

8. Cats or Dogs?

Definitely a massive dog person, considering one of my worst fears are cats!

9. Tea or Coffee?

Neither, surprisingly yes these people do exist. I tend to stick to fruit juices or squash. If I'm in the pub tho I'll go for a glass of prosecco.

10. Your bad habit?

I tend to be shy when I don't know people, although I think that will always be a part of personality, as when I'm around people I know I'm naturally more open

11. Favourite time of year?

Christmas time. It's always a lovely time of year with everyone in the highest spirits. All lights and decorations going on are bound to put a smile of peoples faces.

12. Lucky Number?

Not sure I've found one yet, come back to once I've won the lottery and I'm sure I'll be able to tell you then.

13. Last person to call you and the last person you texted?

The last person to call me was my mom and the last person I texted was my partner, popular I know.

14. Last thing you brought?

Supplies to make Christmas cards because it's never too early for Christmas cards, right?

15. Last TV Show you watched?

Probably sky sports, definitely not through choice!

16. Can you Cook?

yes, I LOVE food

17. If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be ?

Probably the guitar

18. What is your favourite cereal?

Cornflakes, very bog standard but I rarely eat cereal anyway

19. Favourtite Dessert?


20. What colour is your car?


Thats it, 20 questions done. I'd love to hear your answers in the comments!




Thanks for the nice comment Ruth !


Ruth Skelley (The Rolling Twenties)
Ruth Skelley (The Rolling Twenties)

I like this post, as we get to know more about you! I love the fact you are a dog person! 😃A really lovely and engaging post! 😊😘xxx



Thanks! I do have a dog so I may be biased😀


Joy Abouzeid
Joy Abouzeid

Very nice knowing more about you!! I am both a cat and dog person :P I just love them both too much!!

Hi, I'm Charlotte

19. Aspiring Travel, Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger

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